Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Eagles-Eagles Live (1980)

By the time the double live album "Eagles Live" was released, the band was practically separated, but they still had an unfinished business with their record label, publishing a live album, so both Glenn Frey and Don Henley took it upon themselves to mix with producer Bill Szymczyk live material that belonged to different tours of the United States, to fulfill the contract and be released from Asylum Records.
It was finally released with songs ranging from the "Hotel California" tours in 1976 and "The Long Run" in 1980.
Some time after its publication from certain sectors the band was accused of overloading studio recordings and in fact the magazine "Rolling Stone" itself would rate it as the most overloaded album in history.
In any case, this was the last testimony of one of the greatest rock bands of all time, with an extensive review of their iconic songs like "Hotel California", "New Kind in Town", "Take It to The Limit ", "Desperado", "Take It Easy" or "Life In The Fast Lane".

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