Sunday, June 14, 2020

Yes-Tormato (1978)

In 1978 Yes was already one of the most famous and successful bands in rock history, it had been part of the golden age of progressive rock, they had sold millions of records and filled entire stadiums, but nevertheless the logic and inexorable decline began , reason why they began to adapt to the new musical tastes of the general public, with more commercial sounds, thus orienting their sound towards those who were about to arrive in the 1980s.
"Tormato" would also be the last album of the most successful classic band (Anderson-Howe-Wakeman-White-Squire) and the airs of change and the end of a cycle were palpable in the environment, (or the beginning of the aforementioned transition stage).
Tormato far from the criticism received by his fans and the specialized press was a good album, a worthy culmination to his entire career of a long stage that without going anywhere near his top works ("Fragile", "Close to the edge", "Relayer" or "Going For the One"), maintains a high level and the most important; essence of Yes, a little adapted to the new times.
Here we are facing great moments like the epic "Future Times", the catchy "Don't Kill the Whale", the tremendous "On the Silent Wings of Freedom", the sensitive "Onward" or the rhythmic "Release, Release".

The album climbed to eighth place on the British charts and reached tenth place in the USA ranking.

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