Thursday, June 18, 2020

Rick Wakeman-Journey To The Centre Of The Earth (1974)

In 1973 Rick Wakeman had recorded with his band Yes, the album "Tales from Topographic Oceans" to shortly leave the group and focus on his solo projects.
So in 1974 Wakeman released his second album and without a doubt his absolute masterpiece "Journey To The Centre of the Earth", based on the work of Jules Verne.
This album was recorded live in January 1974 at the Royal Festival Hall in London in collaboration with the London Symphony and the English Chamber Choir.
The album would be a success and over the years it has sold more than 14 million albums, making it one of the best-selling symphonic rock albums in history.
A recording that is divided into four parts joined by a narrator who tells the story of the trip.
The first part entitled "The Journey" is an epic overture that culminates with some splendid Wakeman minimoog sounds, continuing with "Recollection" where Wakeman draws dreamlike landscapes and blows the imagination of listeners.
Side B opens with "The Battle" with an exciting orchestrated beginning recalling the leitmotif of the work to quickly move on to a great instrumental display by the keyboard player.
"The Forest" is the culmination that ends this magnificent work in an apotheosis way in the purest symphonic style.
A progressive rock masterpiece and one of the most important records in rock history.

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