Saturday, May 30, 2020

Men At Work-Business As Usual (1981)

During the year 1981 a song covered many of the radio stations in the world incessantly, it was titled "Who can it be now?" and it belonged to the Australian group Men At Work and the truth is that this easy theme was the perfect counterpoint to the current prevailing at that time; punk rock and the synthesized sounds of the new ave.
"Business As Usual" was the debut album with music inherited from the purest style of The Police, but much more commercial and with more humorous self-confidence in its songs, which would be most surprising in the early eighties.
But not only did this album live on this great song, to keep the level high there were others of no less commercial hook and undoubted quality such as the humorous "Down Under", the relaxed "People Just Love to Play" with words, the hectic "Helpless Automaton" or the pop rock "Touching the Untouchables".
The album was a resounding success worldwide, reaching truly amazing levels with over fifteen million copies sold and by the way being considered one of the masterpieces of pop rock of the eighties.

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