Friday, May 29, 2020

Blackfoot-Marauder (1981)

Blackfoot was one of the greatest southern rock bands of the 70s and 80s, although they differed from their peers by practicing what they themselves called southern metal.
Composed of several native Indians, they would record some of the most memorable works of the genre that had a great impact on North American and European.
In 1981 they would publish their definitive work which leads them to participate in Donington legendary Monster Of Rock and Reading together with bands like Iron Maiden or Def Leppard.
"Marauder" would be the band's fifth album, which had started their career six years earlier with their debut album "No Reservations" (1975).
However, it would be their third album "Strikes" that would catapult them, achieving a platinum record for their sales during 1979.
"Marauder" is considered his highest quality work, bringing together nine tracks all of them with great appeal such as the powerful "Good Morning", the southern "Paying´For It", the melodic "Diary Of A Workingman" and "Searchin´" and the rock "Rattlesnake Rock´n´Roller" or "Dry County".

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