Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bob Dylan-Street Legal (1978)

"Street Legal" was Bob Dylan's eighteenth studio album, released by Columbia in 1978, in the midst of a turbulent personal life at the time, including his divorce in June 1977.
During the first part of his "Rolling Thunder Revue" tour and taking advantage of the summer, Dylan took a break and returned to his Minnesota farm. There he would begin to compose songs for his next album, among others he composed "Changing of the Guards", "No Time to Think" or "Where Are You Tonight?" ... six of the nine songs included in "Street Legal" were composed in Minnesota during that summer.
But during the recordings, another story occurred that deeply affected Dylan, on August 16 the news killed Elvis Presley.
By the time Street Legal was released, the staunchest purists shouted in the sky, due to the album's "commerciality" recognizing years later that tracks with "Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)" and "Baby, Stop Crying" were monumental compositions worthy of Any major Dylan work.
The theme of the album is about once again, religion as Dylan was still fully with that Catholic mysticism that had taken hold of him, although the plot has a more apocalyptic tone than in other albums, making reference to both the devil in "New Pony" and to God in the mentioned "Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)". The album obtained the third disc of gold in the United States for Dylan, after "Blood on the Tracks" and "Desire".
When Dylan embarked on his European tour, he was greeted by the public with a warm reception, and his two singles, "Baby, Stop Crying" purportedly inspired by Robert Johnson's "Stop Breaking Down" theme and the monumental "Changing of the Guards" were a hit at all the world.

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