Thursday, October 8, 2020

Gentle Giant-"The Power and The Glory" (1974)

Following in the wake of the very common concept records in Gentle Giant, in 1974 they released their sixth album "The Power and the Glory", this time focused on the political class, more specifically on the rise and fall of a ruler and his corrupt vision and Machiavellian political career in general.
On the other hand, the fact of dedicating it to the world of politics just the same year that the Watergate case reached its climax, it may even seem opportunistic, in fact Richard Nixon was forced to resign a month after the publication of this album in the USA and by then his famous statement "I'm not a crook" was cause for laughter and ridicule around the world, hence many thought that this album actually speaks of the Watergate case, to which the band always denied it outright.
But unlike the previous albums here Gentle Giant prints more strength and fury to their songs, with a much rougher and crude rock, but without neglecting the main characteristics of the group, the Celtic, medieval and Renaissance sounds.
Even so, and being their most difficult and least accessible album with many irritating and difficult listening moments, it had quite good sales and an acceptable 78 place on the US Billboard 200, which for a progressive album of these characteristics was a great triumph.

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