Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Emerson Lake and Palmer-"Trilogy" (1972)

In 1972, Emerson Lake and Palmer's careers were so meteoric that their tours lasted many months and were gigantic, the band's reputation was already worldwide, and their albums were eagerly awaited by fans around the world.
That same year the band released their third album "Trilogy", which was undoubtedly the most complex job in the production work, Eddie Odfford had a huge job mixing Keith Emerson's keyboards due to the amount of different timbres that overlap and yet the end result was so spectacular that the band could never match them in their live versions.
The album begins with the soft and mysterious melody of the suite "The Endless Enigma" which is divided into three sections and which remains even today one of the sublime moments of progressive rock, on "Hoedown" Keith Emerson juggles with the hammond organ, turning the song into a true sonic marvel, instead "Trilogy" sums up the more baroque, suggestive voice of the group while the acoustic "From the Beginning", composed by Greg Lake, was a massive success in the rankings.

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