Monday, September 14, 2020

ABWH-ABWH (1989)

At the end of the eighties the "world" Yes was immersed in chaos, on the one hand some old members of the original formation entered the studio to record a new album, on the other the remaining members were also immersed in a new work, all This under the name of Yes, however everything would remain in different projects away from the name of the band due to legal problems.
On the one hand Jon Anderson, Bill Bruford, Rick Wakeman and Steve Howe had to settle for signing their new album as ABWH (the initials of their last names) to officially launch the album and on the other the so-called YesWest formed by Chris Squire, Alan White, Tony Kaye and Billy Sherwood, did the same.
After ironing out rough edges they all signed an album with an all-eight band called "Union" in 1991, but before that the first four had released their desired "ABWH" in 1989.
An album that a priori had all the ingredients to be one of Yes's best works despite not having the official name, and that would even have a cover designed by Roger Dean himself.
However, it was not what was expected despite containing good moments and in a way it manages to sound like the Yes of its best time in certain songs such as the initial "Themes" or "Quartet", the rest are a kind of hybrid between which they did Asia or GTR like "Birthright", "Order of the Universe" or songs that seemed more taken from the works of Jon Anderson with Vangelis than from Yes as a band; "Let's Pretend" or "Fist of Fire".

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