Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Kansas-In The Spirit Of Things (1988)

Created as a concept album, Kansas released their eleventh album "In The Spirit Of Things" in 1988, which would eventually become a cult album for fans of the band.
Kansas was returning with the same lineup that had recorded the "Power" album two years earlier, with Steve Morse and Billy Greer as replacements for founders Kerry Livgren and Dave Hope who had left the lineup in 1984.
In 1983 another of the founders such as Robby Steinhardt had left the group shortly after the tour of the album "Vinyl Confessions".
The concept of the album is about the disappearance of the Neosho Falls town in Kansas, caused by tremendous floods.
The band had hired the famous producer Bob Ezrin to green the commercial laurels of yesteryear, but they still could not achieve it, despite the fact that it is nevertheless considered one of their best works.
Epic and progressive themes, hard rock themes, middle times and rock with commercial touches were the general tone of an album that has themes such as the rockers "House On Fire" and "One Big Sky", the epics "Ghosts", "Rainmaker" and "Bells Of Saint James" or the commercials "Once in a Lifetime" or "One Man, One Heart".

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